Better Stonecutter - v2.0 release

As I told you on the 1.20.5 update post, Minecraft 1.20.5 introduced a lot of changes in the technical side of datapacks. I’m slowly getting everything up to date. Cuttable wood was the first updated datapack, and tnow is the turn of Better Stonecutter. Next will be More Compostable Items, hopefully on the following days or maybe even today.
This update introduces a lot of changes in Better Stonecutter. The main one being that there are now two versions of the datapack, following the same philosophy as with Cuttable wood. I think this was needed, since this datapack was introducing quite a lot of “balance-breaking” features that I personally liked but might deter some people from using the datapack due to feeling cheesy. Now there’s the “vanilla-balanced” version for those people, with all the features of the regular “OP” version but more restricted to what’s possible in vanilla Minecraft.
- Now there are two versions of this datapack (same as with my Cuttable Wood datapack):
- A “OP” version, which follows the same philosophy as the previous versions of this datapack (recipe are balanced by my own judgement).
- A “vanilla-balanced” version, which takes into account the vanilla recipes in order to nerf the output of some recipes, and forbids some recipes that are available in the “OP” version which are impossible in vanilla Minecraft (mainly, unpacking blocks such as sandstone into sand, quartz blocks into quartz, etc.).
- Recipes for new 1.21 tuff and copper blocks.
- All recipes were revised. Now an algorithm that takes into account the value of each block is used to decide its output. See below the recipe changes.
- Adapted recipes to new format.
- Simplified recipe-unlocking advancements, making the datapack lighter.
- Re-organized datapack files.
- The new datapack is now about 50% of its previous size.
Differences in vanilla-balanced version with respect to the “OP” version:
- Things that cannot be obtained from cutting:
- Amethyst shards, sand, red sand, quartz, and prismarine shards
- Copper doors/trapdoors
- Chains
- Things that are more expensive:
- Lightning rods
- Iron trapdoors and bars
- Pressure plates and buttons
- Nether brick fences
Recipe changes (in “OP” version, with respect to previous versions):
New recipes for 1.21:
- Copper grates are obtainable from copper blocks, cut copper, and chiseled copper
- Copper doors are obtainable from copper blocks, cut copper, chiseled copper, and copper grates
- Copper trapdoors are obtainable from copper blocks, cut copper, stairs, slabs, chiseled copper, copper grates, and doors
- De-waxing and de-oxidizing recipes for all new copper blocks, including the copper bulb
Other new recipes (mostly things I missed in previous versions):
- Chains are now obtainable from iron blocks, doors, trapdoors, and iron pressure plates
- Prismarine bricks are more valuable than regular prismarine (since they require more shards), so prismarine brick partial blocks can now be cut into prismarine blocks (e.g. prismarine brick stairs -> prismarine)
- Amethyst cluster -> Amethyst block
- Blackstone stairs/slabs/walls -> Polished blackstone buttons/pressure plates
- Chiseled polished blackstone -> polished blackstone partial blocks
- Chiseled stone bricks -> stone brick partial blocks
- Recipes to switch between blackstone variants (regular <-> polished <-> bricks <-> chiseled)
- Copper ingots and lightning rods from some copper blocks
- Cracked bricks/tiles are now also cuttable to non-cracked partial brick/tiles blocks (e.g. cracked stone bricks -> stone brick wall)
- Smooth variants can now be cut into non-smooth variants (e.g. smooth sandston slab -> sandstone slab)
- Mossy stone variants -> stone buttons
- Mossy stone bricks -> Chiseled stone bricks
Removed recipes:
- Stone variants -> Smooth stone variants (these were an oversight, since smooth stone is obtained by smelting stone)
- Mossy cobblestone blocks -> Non-mossy partial blocks (these were also an oversight and not consistent with the rest of recipes)
- Iron trapdoors -> Iron pressure plates
Changes to existing recipes:
- Cracked bricks now give the same amount of buttons (or nether bricks) as regular blocks.
- Iron doors, trapdoors, and pressure plates are now cheaper to get. An iron block gives 4 doors instead of 2 (since 1 door = 2 ingots = ~1/4 block), and the other recipes were changed accordingly.
- Iron bars are now more expensive to get. An iron block gives 18 iron bars instead of 24. Other recipes were nerfed accordingly.
- As mentioned before, prismarine bricks are now more valuable than regular prismarine:
- Prismarine bricks -> 2 prismarine instead of 1 (other recipes boosted accordingly)
- Prismarine bricks -> 9 prismarine shards instead of 8