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The following pages and posts are tagged with

Acacia Gum Page Get gum from stripping acacia trees. A vegan alternative for slime.
Daenvil's Baked Goods Page Adds 25 new baked goods to Minecraft, including apple pies, chocolate cakes, berry cookies, and many more.
Better Stonecutter Page Adds more recipes to the stonecutter, allowing you to change more easily between block variants and waste less resources.
Better Trial Loot Page A datapack which improves the loot found at trial chambers, making it less underwhelming.
Cuttable Wood Page Makes wood blocks cuttable in the stonecutter, to make the crafting of wooden items more comfortable and sensible.
Easy Bone Blocks Page Simply adds the recipe 3 bones ⇒ 1 bone block.
Ethical Textiles Page Plant-based alternatives for string, leather, beds, feathers, and armadillo scute. Use together with Acacia Gum to have fully vegan leather.
Magnet Fishing Page Craft a magnet fishing rod and fish out iron and iron items from the water!
More Compostable Items Page Adds composting mechanics to all vanilla items which should be compostable.
More Smeltable Items Page Adds smelting recipes to every item made of gold, iron, copper, diamond, or quartz (and the lodestone).
Omnivorous Pets Page Tame cats and wolves using any food.
Plant-based Foods Page Vegan alternatives to dairy, eggs, honey, and meat.
Plant Wax Page A plant-based alternative for honeycomb. Wax copper and craft candles without using bees!
Recyclable Glass Page Allows you to recycle all glass items by adding new crafting and smelting recipes.
Scrap Leather Page Adds recipes to craft leather from leather armor pieces, saddles, and other leather items, allowing you to give some use to often undesired loot.