Plant-based Foods - v2.0 release

I’m finally ready to release my Vegancraft datapacks updated to Minecraft 1.20.5+. I’ll be releasing them slowly one by one as I want to ensure that everything is working correctly. When all of them are released, I’ll be releasing the new version of the full Vegancraft datapack, which will include new exclusive features!
Now, for what concerns Plant-based Foods, the technical changes in 1.20.5 are proving to be great for custom items and recipes, so I was able to improve the datapack by a lot and also add some new foods which I felt would fit well with the rest. Now you will be able to see all the custom items directly in the recipe book, and you can even filter them by searching for the name of the datapack:
- Added three new food items:
- Seitan Stew: same as rabbit stew but crafted with a seitan steak.
- Veggie Burger: crafted with bread, beetroot, and brown mushroom.
- Not-salmon Fillet: crafted with carrot, kelp, and vegan honey. It acts as raw salmon (so you can feed it to cats and dolphins) but gives the same hunger points and saturation as cooked salmon.
- Not-fish fillet now gives the same hunger points and saturation as cooked cod (but keeps acting the same as raw cod).
- The seitan steak recipe no longer requires a bucket of water. Now it’s just wheat + mushroom/beetroot stew. Now it’s also shapeless (can be crafted without a crafting table).
- Reworked all custom recipes into the new system. Now custom recipes will show their correct output instead of a knowledge book, both in the crafting table output and in the recipe book.
- Removed advancements. Now those are only available in the full Vegancraft datapack.
- Added “give” functions for every custom item. The command is
/function dnv.vegan_food:give/<item_id>